Course unit search results

To register for course units, tick the desired boxes in the search result and click on “Save marked”. The selected course units will now appear under “Enrolments” in the semester.

For repetition students: If you wish to attend only part of a course unit, e.g. just the lecture, register for the whole course unit and then delete the course (or exercise) not attended. If the final course of a course unit is deleted, registration for the course unit is also deleted automatically.

Choosing supervisors

For supervised elements (semester projects/papers, Bachelor’s or Master’s theses), the responsible supervisor must be selected via a separate search template.

Please take care to choose the correct superviser. Only this person will be able to communicate with you through the lecturers’ application. Only the name of this person will appear in your Diploma Supplement.

Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in particular are subject to restrictions as to choice of supervisor. If your search does not identify the lecturer you require, please contact your Study Administration Office.

Note for auditors

If a black square (■) is displayed after a course title, Special Students and auditors need special permission from the lecturers to attend it. Such courses will be displayed but are not accessible for registration. Please contact the Registrar's Office for the required permission.

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