Examination schedule for summer session 2023 online

The personal examination schedule including oral examination dates and room allocations for written exams is as of now visible online in myStudies.

Deadline for exam deregistrations and late exam registrations

Please note that you can deregister from all session examinations up to and including next Sunday, 30 July 2023, at midnight, without giving reasons. You can deregister electronically via myStudies: Functions → Examinations → Deregister

Please note that the deadline for late exam registrations is also next Sunday, 30 July 2023. Late registration for written session examinations is only possible if examination seats are still available in the already allocated rooms. In the case of late registration for oral session examinations, an examination date (within the examination session) must be agreed with the lecturers in advance and the Examination Office has to be informed about it.

If you cannot deregister via myStudies, e.g. because you have submitted a request to bring examinations forward this semester, you must deregister by to the Examination Office.

As stated in the binding DownloadDirective on the examination schedule (PDF, 206 KB), after the deadline for deregistration has expired, it will only be possible to deregister directly via the Examination Office. In this case, please note that you must notify the Examination Office at least 1 hour before the start of the respective examination if you cannot take the examination. (In the case of e-mails, the time of sending the e-mail is considered).

Important notice

Absences for examinations that take place within the framework of examination blocks must be justified again by proof of absence (for example, by a doctor's certificate) if an examination block must be interrupted (i.e. one or more examinations of it cannot be taken).

Directive on the examination schedule

Please read the DownloadDirective on the examination schedule (PDF, 206 KB) containing general information, in particular on belated registration, deregistration, and on how to proceed if you are prevented from attending exams.

Please note that for the interruption of examination blocks, appropriate proof must be submitted certifying the reason for the non-attendance of the examination(s) (e.g. doctor's certificate).

For the deregistration of single examinations, still no proof must be submitted.


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