New ‘Services & Resources’ platform

From Tuesday, 4 August, you will be able to find internal news and other information for staff of ETH Zurich in a new location: the existing green-coloured area will reappear in corporate blue following the changeover, designed to match the main ETH website.

Enlarged view: ETH-Mitarbeiterin
A member of ETH staff at work in D-MTEC. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Alessandro Della Bella)

The existing intranet will be converted into this new ‘Services & Resources’ platform in early August. This is primarily intended for ETH staff, but will also include information for external visitors to the website.

The usual internal news, such as service information, news from the Executive Board and University Boards or announcements on work anniversaries will be found on the new platform in future. Just as before, this platform will also contain information that supports staff in their work and helps them find their way around the vast range of services provided by ETH Zurich. These include areas such as employment and work, finance and controlling, and IT services.

The design and structure of the new platform will match the main ETH website The header will appear in the same corporate blue, and the navigation between the two websites will also be simplified using additional links. ‘Services & Resources’ will now be listed in the upper right menu on the main website. The new platform will also have its own dedicated URL at

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