Course / event evaluation (Dev. & LS)

Dear participants

Your course evaluation will help us to improve the range of training programmes we offer and develop them further. We welcome both positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Thank you for your help!

What is the name of the course/event?


1. How would you rate this course/event?

2. Expectations and learning objectives


3. Could you please list a few take-aways from this course/event, which you think you could apply in your working environment?


4. How did you find out about this course/event?


5. Do you have other comments or suggestions to help us improve this course, or other events and courses, offered by ETH HR (e.g. related to technical issues, group engagement)? Are there other themes you would like us to address?


6. Testimonial / Your experience (optional)

Do you think this course or event would be helpful for some of your colleagues? If you would like to write 2-3 sentences as a testimonial to help us raise awareness of our programs amongst your peers, please send us an email to . or fill the field below. Thank you for your help!  


7. Personal details


Do not choose this email option below if you would like your submission to remain anonymous.

I would like to receive a copy of the form content by email.

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