Qualifying Exam Doctoral Students


The examiners (or their substitutes – see function "Substitutes") conducting the doctoral qualifying exam may use this function to enter the grades for each individual exam of the qualifying exam.

Who is listed under this function

An examiner (or his/her substitutes) can view:

  • all active exam subjects with and without grades of not quit doctoral student
  • all not active exam with grades of not quit doctoral students.

Entering the grades

The examiners register the qualifying exam grades by entering the grades and clicking on "Save definitely".

Important: The examiners cannot change in eDoz the grades, which once have been saved!


When the examiners save the grade(s), the following e-mails are automatically sent:

  • "information e-mail" to the doctoral student for whom the grade was registered
  • copy of the "information e-mail" (sent to the doctoral student) to the person logged on
  • copy of the "information e-mail (sent to the doctoral student)" to the doctoral administration offic

For confirmation that the e-mail has been sent, the "confirmation page" will be displayed


The examiners can send an E-mail directly to the doctoral administration office by using the link "Doctoral Administration"

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