Get women excited about finance: Invest in your future

1.5 h
  • 25.06.2024, 15:30 - 17:00
End of registration period: 20.06.2024
Online course
  • Corinne Brecher, Investique GmbH
Free of charge
Online, Zoom
Network IT-Women@ETH and other interested women from ETH / ETH Domain

The participants

  • understand why there are gaps in occupational and private pension provision (especially for women) in certain phases of life
  • know what they need to be financially independent in every situation in life
  • can implement the solutions suggested by the speaker immediately after the presentation
  • feel encouraged and motivated to take care of their money

Women, take care of your money! Only 1 in 5 women are interested in finances. At the same time, 8 out of 10 women regret in old age that they didn't take care of it earlier.

Corinne Brecher, business economist and mother of two, works every day to ensure that women in particular talk about money more openly and more often. "Managing their own finances must become as natural for women as it already is for many men." Thanks to her previous professional career at major banks, law firms and investment companies, Corinne knows exactly what female stock market beginners need to make managing their own finances successful and fun at the same time. We want to encourage you to prioritise your finances and self-responsibility and to tackle the issue head on.

In her focus presentation "Invest in your future: how to do it", Corinne will cover the following points:

  • Short intro: the Swiss pension system: which influencing factors put a strain on pensions and how men and women can find pension gaps and close them in the long term.

  • Independent wealth accumulation: Why saving is no longer an option, the investment strategy of the house banks should be treated with caution and what independent alternatives there are to make money work for you.

  • Bonus content exclusively for ETH:

    • How the IT sector is shaping the stock and fund market

    • What to consider when investing in tech stocks and tech funds

    • Tip from Corinne on how to add tech stocks to your investment portfolio

  • Questions and answers

We would like to thank Rui Brandao, Director of IT Services, who is committed to promoting more women in IT and the IT-Women@ETH network, for making this presentation possible.

As part of enabling financial independence, the IT-Women@ETH network also encourages other women from ETH and the ETH Domain to take part in the presentation. Interested men are welcome.


Some have seen the SRF documentary «Frauen und Geld – Ein Tabu mit weitreichenden Folgen».

Online course programme Portfolio-Heldin

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