Research at ETH during emergency operations

Yesterday the Vice President for Research issued a directive on research while ETH Zurich is in emergency mode.

As already communicated, research that requires no physical presence on ETH premises can continue without restrictions. The directive on research at ETH Zurich during emergency operations details the experiments, maintenance and service tasks for which an exemption may be granted for on-site work and the procedure for submitting an exemption request. This directive applies both to ETH researchers and those working for spin-offs on ETH premises.

The relevant document, together with detailed FAQs, is now available online. The FAQs also provide information on research into COVID-19 and other questions relating to research during emergency operations. All request forms for exemptions can be found on the website.

For more information:  Information for researchers

All information about the measures taken by ETH Zurich during the coronavirus pandemic can be found on the coronavirus website

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