A fig tree to mark the end of an era

In early June, Peter Widmayer led his last University Assembly meeting as president. As a token of appreciation for his services, the University Assembly presented the avid gardener with a fig tree.

In early June, Peter Widmayer stepped down as president of the ETH Zurich University Assembly. (Photo: Florian Meyer)
In early June, Peter Widmayer (on the right) stepped down as president of the ETH Zurich University Assembly. (Photo: Florian Meyer)

The ETH Zurich University Assembly’s last meeting before summer recess concluded with a barbeque party for staff members and guests. This year, representatives of the four university groups met on 2 June 2016 at Forsthaus Waldegg in Uitikon on the Uetliberg.

In this research forest, which was handed over by ETH to the city and canton of Zurich in 2011, the University Assembly gave the outgoing president Peter Widmayer (D-INFK) a fig tree as a farewell gift in anticipation that he will be spending more time in his garden.

The University Assembly meeting marked the departure of other long-standing members, including Urs Kradolfer of the Swiss Seismological Service (SED), who has represented the scientific staff for years, Felicitas Pauss (D-PHYS) of the Lecturers’ Conference (KdL), and University Assembly secretary Silvia Häfliger, who is succeeded by Andrea Heinzelmann of the Academic Services. The three were presented with chocolates by Peter Widmayer in gratitude for their commitment.

“It was a pleasure to work with you all.”

The new president of the University Assembly, Werner Wegscheider (D-PHYS), praised Peter Widmayer for his leadership and presence, which gave all university groups the feeling that they were always fully represented.

Peter Widmayer thanked the University Assembly: “It was a pleasure to work with you all.”

Among the guests was Hugo Bretscher, who will retire in autumn from his post as Secretary General of ETH Zurich. Other guests included Rainer Borer, Head of Corporate Communications, and Fritz Schiesser, President of the ETH Board.

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