False Alarm at ETH Zurich, Zentrum

There was an alarm in the buildings CHN, CAB and CNB of ETH Zurich, Zentrum on Friday (28th November 2014) morning.

Unfortunately there was an alarm in the buildings CHNCAB and CNB of ETH Zurich, Zentrum. The plan was to test the new system in the background (various testings have been ongoing for a couple of days) without involving the users. Unfortunately, the test included a message in German via the loud speakers, which people believed to be real. In a real emergency situation, the alarm message will be given in both English and German. In the meantime the all-clear has been given. There was no danger to ETH members at any time.

The ETH Zurich Safety, Security, Health and Environment staff unit apologizes in the name of the Project team for the inconvenience.

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