Leadership4Faculty: Managing and making the most out of feedback

2 h Online
  • 13.06.2024, 12:00 - 14:00: Managing and making the most out of feedback
End of registration period: 12.06.2024
Online course
  • Dorthe, Peter André  ()
  • Kursadministration, Development & Leadership, ETH Zürich  ()

Asking for or receiving feedback can be one of the most challenging uncomfortable things we can do as leaders. Yet asking for feedback can be incredibly powerful: for becoming better leaders, for being better able to support people, for modelling that it is OK not to be perfect, and for creating a culture in the team that encourages a learning mindset.

In this session with Prof. em. Dr. Geraldine Fitzpatrick (TU Vienna), we explore how to ask for and receive feedback, both continuous as well as during higher-​level annual feedback talks, and how to move from reaction to action.

"Becoming better together"

-Using feedback to improve collaboration between supervisor and supervisee/team

- Obtaining leadership feedback

-Dealing with reactions/feelings to feedback

-Receiving and responding to feedback

Only for ETH professors (assistant, associate, full)


Peter Dorthe

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