Help for eReference


The reference portal is only available in English. It is intended for reference persons who submit their assessment of an applicant with a letter of recommendation as part of an application for a Master's programme at ETH Zurich.

The reference portal is accessed via a link with an encrypted access key containing the reference number. This number and the corresponding details were generated with eApply during the Master's application.

Data protection

Your details of the person who asked you to submit a letter of recommendation are only accessible to persons who assess the application with regard to admission to the Master's programme. Your details will be used exclusively for this purpose.

Personal Information

The information displayed about you has been entered by the applicant. Please correct if necessary.

Your classification of the applicant

Please submit your overall assessment of the applicant.

Letter of Recommendation

Only letters of recommendation in PDF format (file extension .pdf) can be uploaded. Other formats such as Word, Excel , .jpg or .txt are not accepted.

The file size must not exceed 5 MB.

Please select the letter of recommendation from your file repository and upload it with 'Add PDF'.

In response to your reference, you will receive a confirmation email with the file name.

Validity URL: 7 days

You can use the URL to view your letter of recommendation and details for 7 days after submitting it. The URL will then expire and the information will no longer be visible.

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