Register reference person

Please enter the contact details for your reference persons. Make sure in advance that they are correct and that you have permission to use them.

The reference persons will be contacted by email after you have sent your online registration. The language of communication is English. Please make sure that all of your entries are correct: salutation (in English), institution, the person’s position, valid email address.

ETH Zurich will send each reference person an email containing a URL to access the eReference portal. Registration is not necessary. In the reference portal the reference persons will see the entries about you (name and degree programme) and your own entries. They will provide their own estimations and upload letters of recommendation. These will be added automatically to your registration.
You will be informed by email as soon as the letter(s) have been received.

University or other institution: Select the country, and then make a selection from the list. If the university, institute or company where the reference person works is not on the list, please enter it under “Other institution”.

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