Application process

An internal job change consists of the following steps:

You can find open internal positions on the protected ETH Zurich website under Services & Resources.    

Keep being informed regularly on open positions at ETH by subscribing to Job-Abo.

Prepare your documents as carefully and completely as for an external application. Your application should consist of the following:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae / CV
  • Certificates
  • Diplomas

Submit your application for the open position online via the ETH Zurich job portal.  

Your application will be examined. If you receive an invitation for an interview prepare yourself carefully. We recommend that you collect further information about the position and the scope of activity on the internet. Also, that you contact people from your network.

Check again to what extent you fulfil the requirements for the position. Evaluate which examples of your professional experience and career would be appropriate to demonstrate your skills.

During the interview explain to what extent your current supervisor is aware of your application.

The functional level and salary result from the job description and are based on your accumulated experience. The functional level and salary will be determined by HR Consulting together with the new supervisor.

References are obtained after the interview and in agreement with the candidates. They will be treated confidentially. 


You will receive a verbal confirmation for the position from the relevant supervisor or HR Partner. Your decision is expected within a few days. 

Before accepting an offer, we recommend discussing the proposed transfer and your professional change with the current supervisor.

Thereafter, advise the current and new supervisors of your decision in writing.

The protected pagechecklist contains information about the next steps.


Should the response to your application be negative, you will be notified by the relevant supervisor or HR Partner who will also give you feedback.  

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