Taming the Complexity of Multiloop Integrals

As the LHC enters its precision era, theory predictions for  multi-parton processes have to be improved to the percent level. In order to achieve this, the community has to promote the fully automated algorithms of one loop QCD corrections to the two loop level. The reduction of multi-loop Feynman diagrams to a basis of master integrals is an important milestone in this direction. The objective of this workshop is to study and cross-fertilise different reduction approaches that emphasise algebraic, geometric or numerical aspects of the reduction procedure, and develop alternatives that optimally combine the virtues of existing tools. 

The workshop will take place during June 4-8 2018 with approximately twenty invited participants that will stay around for a week to discuss their contributions in various aspects of integral reduction.


Babis Anastasiou, Thomas Gehrmann, Achilleas Lazopoulos


Workshop organized under the aegis of the external pagePauli Center for Theoretical Studies

Scientific program

Monday 4 June

Tuesday 5 June

Wednesday 6 June

Thursday 7 June

Friday 8 June


Workshop dinner

The workshop dinner will take place on Wednesday 6th of June, at the external pagerestaurant of Belvoir park. We will meet there at 18:30. 


The workshop is taking place at ETH Hönggerberg, at the HIT building. All talks will be held at room HIT E41.1 (at the ground floor fo the HIT building).


Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27
8093 Zürich
Google Maps
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