
In philosophy we do not work in a lab according to fixed methods in what is called "groups". Neverless we try hard and tackle problems. Therefore it might not be wrong even in our subject to speak of doing "research". On the one hand we try hard to understand the history of philosophy better (a subject with some philological constraints that might therefore justly be called "research"). Here the following authors are in the focus of our attention: Spinoza, Hobbes, Kant, Schelling, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Peirce, Dewey, Cassirer, Freud, Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Simondon. On the other hand we are interested in the presuppositiones and consequences of research in the natural sciences, especially physics and biology. Our special interest is directed onto the possibilities and difficulties that go in hand with the mathematisation of knowledge in these subjects. Furthermore we ask, if and how narratives about nature and human lifes can lead to valid knowledge.

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