@InCollection{ vigneron:high:2004, abstract = {This paper presents HLPSL, a high-level protocol specification language for the modelling of security-sensitive protocols. This language has a formal semantics based on Lamport s Temporal Logic of Actions. HLPSL is modular and allows for the specification of control flow patterns, data-structures, alternative intruder models, and complex security properties. It is sufficiently highlevel to be accessible to protocol engineers (themselves not necessarily formal methods experts), yet easily translatable into a lower-level term-rewriting based language well-suited to model-checking tools. The accommodation of these contrasting features makes HLPSL able to easily specify modern, industrial-scale protocols on which existing specification languages only partially succeed.}, author = { Yannick Chevalier \and Luca Compagna \and Jorge Cuellar \and Paul Hankes Drielsma \and Jacopo Mantovani \and Sebastian M\"odersheim \and Laurent Vigneron}, booktitle = {Workshop on Specification and Automated Processing of Security Requirements (SAPS 2004)}, language = {USenglish}, pdf = {papers/2004/0_paper.pdf}, ps = {papers/2004/0_paper.ps.gz}, title = {A High Level Protocol Specification Language for Industrial Security-Sensitive Protocols}, year = 2004, user = {moederss} }