@Article{ brucker.rittinger.ea:hol-z, abstract = { We present a new proof environment for the specification language Z. The basis is a semantic representation of Z in a structure-preserving, shallow embedding in Isabelle/HOL. On top of the embedding, new proof support for the Z schema calculus and for proof structuring are developed. Thus, we integrate Z into a well-known and trusted theorem prover with advanced deduction technology such as higher-order rewriting, tableaux-based provers and arithmetic decision procedures. A further achievement of this work is the integration of our embedding into a new tool-chain providing a Z-oriented type checker, documentation facilities and macro support for refinement proofs; as a result, the gap has been closed between a logical embedding proven correct and a \emph{tool} suited for applications of non-trivial size.}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Frank Rittinger and Burkhart Wolff}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, classification= {journal}, language = {USenglish}, title = {HOL-Z 2.0: A Proof Environment for Z-Specifications}, volume = 9, year = 2003, number = 2, pages = {152--172}, month = feb, issn = {0948-6968}, ps = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2003/jucs_holz_02.ps.gz} , pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2003/jucs_holz_02.pdf} , copyright = {\copyright J.UCS}, copyrighturl = {http://www.jucs.org/jucs_9_2/hol_z_2} }