Search Tips

  • The search is case insensitive.
  • Wildcard search is possible by putting an asterisk (*) before and/or after the search term.
  • The search for several terms results in hits that contain all the terms to be searched, regardless of the entered order of the terms.
  • The search with quotation marks results in hits that match the exact phrase within the quotation marks.
  • When searching for a course unit number, the search term is automatically searched for with "*" after the term.
  • Diacritics such as umlaut or accent are ignored, e.g. the search for "Muller" or "Mueller" will return "Müller", "Mueller" and "Muller".

Search for course units:

  • The selection under "Semester" and "Structure" finds chapters of the register and displays them with all course units assigned. It also finds references to other chapters of the register.
  • "Further criteria", on the other hand, searches course units for specific characteristics. References to other chapters are not taken into account here.
  • The search for catalogue data includes the detailed description of a course unit and comprises the abstract, objective, content, as well as information about lecture notes, literature and prerequisites.
  • When searching for catalogue data, you can also explicitly search for a set of keywords using the OR or AND operators in order to obtain a list of course units that cover this topic.
  • If the tickbox "Search result - without structural information" is marked, each course unit will be listed only once, but without programme information. This info, however, can be found under the detail of the course unit in the tab "Offered in".
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