Examinations overview

If you have registrations for end-of-semester or session examinations in the current semester, these are displayed.

A mouse klick on each examination opens a new windows. It shows the current examination mode and details for the reference semester which is shown in brackets.

Note: In some circumstances, the examination mode of an examination may change. E.g. a course unit whichexamined orally in Autumn Semester 2016 without success, may be - when repeated a year later in Autumn Semester 2017 - examined as a written examination.

Examination registration

You must register for and/or deregister from end-of-semester and/or session examinations via myStudies by the registration/deregistration deadlines. You will receive automatic suggestions to register for performance assessments in accordance with your enrolments.

Note: Until you pass them, you will be continually encouraged to register for for the first year examinations regardless of existing enrolments.

What to do if the required subjects are not all suggested for registration:

First, check whether

  1. the subject in question really is examined in the form of a semester or session examination. Graded or ungraded semester performance cannot be registered for examination centrally. In this case contact the responsible lecturer directly.
  2. enrolment for the course unit necessary for registration exists in the corresponding semester.

If the required subject is still not suggested for registration, please print out the corresponding form and take it in person to the Examination Office. (HG F 18.1; please note office hours)

Please note the information from Academic Services and the Study Administration Office.

For further questions regarding examination registration and deregistration, click on “Questions” >FAQs.

Bringing forward examinations

Before making a request to bring forward (prepone) an examination, the agreement of the lecturers involved must be obtained, supporting documents (PDF) must be prepared and (for ETH students only) the approval of the Director of Studies must be obtained. Without these preparations the request  may not be submitted. The respective PDF documents must be uploaded. The deadline is binding; if missed, an additional reason for the delay reason must be submitted.

With this link you will find all the DownloadInformation on the Preponement of Exams (PDF, 135 KB).

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