Project / Paper / Thesis

Students register their projects/papers/theses in myStudies, providing details such as the title and the starting and completion dates. Lecturers check the details for correctness and confirm them.

Confirmation pending

Projects/papers/theses with pending confirmation or approval by you are listed here.

  • Please check the details of the project/paper/thesis and confirm the choice as supervisor or approve the work as tutor
  • If you are supervisor and tutor at the same time, you only have to confirm once
  • A rejection / refusal of the work generates an automatic e-mail to the student and the Study Administration

Confirmed and pending

Projects/papers/theses confirmed by you that have not yet been scored are listed here.

  • Work that does not need to be confirmed appears directly here
  • Work which has already been confirmed by you and which also has to be confirmed by the Administration Office or another person also appears here
  • As soon as a grade has been submitted and confirmed by the Administration Office, the work disappears from this list and can be found under Projects/papers/theses --> Completed
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