Examination Schedule

The examination schedule contains all registered session examinations which are scheduled by the Examination Office. Individually planned examinations are not published.

End-of-semester examinations and semester performances are not part of your examination schedule. They are planned and organised directly by the lecturers. Please contact the relevant lecturer directly.

The examination schedule is published in three steps:

  • The schedule of written examinations at a early date with the date and time of the written examinations. The information at this time may only in individual cases change.
  • The personal examination schedule which also contains the date/time and venues for all oral examinations. Date and venue of the oral examinations are definite whereas the time can be subject to change. The reason is the amount of deregistrations which may require a post-optimisation of the schedule.
  • The personal examination schedule with definite times for oral and written examinations for the coming examination session.

The examination schedule displays session examinations for all programmes and all regulations.

Digital Examination Schedule
Clicking on the “ics” symbol creates a file in the iCalendar format (Extension .ics), which is compatible to all popular calendars (Outlook and iCal in particular). Like the course schedule, you can upload the examination schedule into your personal agenda.

The valid and correct dates are always shown in myStudies. Please check before the oral examinations if myStudies shows any changes to your schedule.

Please note: It is your responsability to update the data in your digitalagenda. If you miss an examination because it was not listed correctly in your digitalagenda, ETHZurich rejects any liability,and you will have no right of appeal.

It is not possible to update examination dates in your digital agenda; it is only possible to import them into your digital agenda. Therefore it is recommended that you manually update changes to your examination schedule in your digital agenda. As an alternative, you may delete all former examination dates and upload the entire calendar file again. Updated examination dates will then show the text “Data changed later” in brackets.

As a general rule, Outlook creates a new calendar which cannot be replaced. If you want to add dates to your calendar, save the calendar file as “Examinations_...”, then click with the right mouse button on the option “open with” -> Outlook. The file will then be loaded into your digital agenda.

Please note the binding directives relating to the examination schedule.

Withdrawal from examinations
Click on “Examinations” in the associated degree programme. Changes can be made there provided you are within the withdrawal deadline.

Rescheduling an oral examination
You can find information about the prerequisites and procedure here.

Additional information
You will find further information in the Examination Office FAQs.

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